Friday, November 6, 2009

Hissssssssy Fit

This picture makes them look so cute....but don't be fooled.

So there are three things that I am truly truly scared of. I call them the triple S, spiders, snakes and sharks. I think that the reason they start with an S is because Satan created them. OK, so here is my horrible story.
I got out of the shower yesterday and casually turned the corner and started down the hallway. Halfway down the hall I noticed something long and snakelike on the floor. I closed my eyes and thought, O please let this be one of Crew's plastic snakes. I inched my way closer to the serpent's tough flickered out at me. I let out a blood curling scream and flew back into the bedroom. Literally beads of sweat started pouring down my face. I had no idea what to do. Then I remembered that the baby was having tummy time in on the floor. I opened the door ran down the hall and leaped as high and as far as I could over the snake, grabbed the baby and jumped onto the counter. Since I had just gotten out of the shower I hadn't put on any clothes yet. I had to grab the little receiving blanket that the baby was laying on and try to cover myself up before I called Shane's 70yr old grandma to come over to rescue me. She came flying into the house holding a broom. I was think, what in the heck is she going to do with a broom. I had a bucket that was sitting on the counter that I had thrown on top of the snake (partially, I think I may have hurt it's tail). Marge (Shane's grandma) slowly picked up the bucket and the dang thing jetted out at her. She started screaming, I started screaming and so did the baby. Marge slammed the broom down on the snake and when she lifted it back up........the snake was GONE. Yes, the snake was gone, nowhere to be found. I was hysterical. I grabbed my clothes got in the car called Shane and said I would not be back until Satan (the snake) was gone. Later that night Shane found the snake curled up behind the stove. He took the snake down the lane and let it go. Oh the joys of living in the country.


Ashley said...

What a story!! Country living is the best.

Anonymous said...

SHUT UP!!!! I would DIE!!! I do have to admit though, that it is kind of a funny story...right?...

Anonymous said...

Oh except for the baby being on the floor, that really is scary, that part's not fuuny.

anne said...

Ooo that's creepy! I have lots of stories of rats in the garage and such, never in the house, thank goodness...except the one time...
anyway, so glad Shane found it for you. That must've been awkward covered in a receiving blanket with Shane's grandma there. hehe...

Kaitlin Phelps said...

Ha ha ha- I love it! You really had better call me next time it happens!!! No more running around in little baby blankets, screaming and sitting on the counter for hours! :)

Rachel said...

Holy crap. I would have died! I couldn't live like that even if I had to.. Ashley seriously, how the heck do you do it?