Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So when I die, I'm going to ask God WHY? Why does pregnancy have to be so hard on the body? Not that I don't love feeling my baby kick inside my tummy, or seeing your little one for the very first time. I'm going to ask why the horrible gas, the stretch marks that are now covering my ENTIRE behind, the 40lbs that I gain every dang time, the rash that starts at my chin, wraps around my nose and then creeps to my eyes, or the worst part the hanging, saggy stomach that just won't seem to go away after pregnancy. OK, I'm done with the horrifying visuals. All of this has now lead up to me taking some drastic, desperate measures. As of today I am starting my 21 day health challenge. This means I have to say goodbye to carbonated drinks, white flour products, processed sugars and fried foods. So I hope this works and I hope I survive these next 21 days.

The next time you see me I will look like this................only blond.


anne said...

That is a good question. I don't know why we have to get so dang fat! The things we do for our children. Sheesh. :)

Kaitlin Phelps said...

Ha ha- Ash, I love you! A 21 day health challenge huh?! Well, I'd say that I'll join you, but I think you already have quite the "diet partner". Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Hey I want to do it with you! I want to look like the sexy bikini lady too! Wait no I don't, I LOVE stretch marks and saggy stomachs!

Russon said...

Let me know how that goes-I need something--7 weeks and you'd think I could fit back into my pants, and I am sick of wearing my prego pants! Good luck! I should try it too!!