Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cowboy Crew

Crew's aunt Kaitlin is a really good photographer. We planned an entire day of taking the boys pictures. Crew was not happy with having to pose. He cried basically the entire time.
We bought Crew some new cowboy boots. He wants them on 24 -7 and cries when we try to take them off.


Anonymous said...

Yea!!! I am so glad that you found me! The pictues of Crew are priceless. He is so stikin' cute!!! Jack misses him tons. I am so excited you are part of the blogging world!!!

Michele said...

hey.. such cute pictures! I want to come take pictures of the boys on your farm!! My mom is coming into town this week, and next week ill be visiting my sister in minnesota, so in a few weeks we definitely need to get together... seriously.

Russon said...

Those are the cutest pictures.